NBA lockout has become a joke. Not because of the owners but because of the players and their union. The players have become absolutely greedy for all the “work” they do on the basketball court. The players don’t understand what it takes to make it happen outside the court. The owners and the management take a significant amount of risk every year before and during the season to make it a successful year. The players on the other hand only have to show up for practice and to all the games with no risk other than the risk of getting injured.
The owners bought the team paying hundreds of millions of dollars and now the players are asking for a majority of the revenue split. That is why they are called owners and the players are called thugs. Too bad the players just don’t get it. NBA players have put sportsmanship out in the drain and instead are displaying what scumbags they have become. The players should be happy that the owners have agreed to split the revenues 50-50 instead of keeping it all to themselves. It is time for the owners to ditch these unions and start afresh with new non-union players so that small businesses can survive the season. Unions have destroyed the auto industry in the US and now the NBA players’ union has resorted to same tactics that will destroy the basketball industry in this country. Ultimately it is the union that will be crushed and owners will come out as winners. If you are a true NBA fan out there, please give a thumbs up to all the team owners and give a big thumbs down to all the players. Don’t hesitate to kick the players in the nuts if you have an urge to do so.Derek Lamar Fisher is the biggest union scumbag in the history of NBA. Players need to start thinking of kicking him out of the union so they can be better represented than this idiot.
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